Deacon Bill Petzak served Church in Idaho for 38 years
Priests renew their vows; oils blessed at Chrism Mass
Eastern Idaho parish in prayer for Father Morales seriously injured in March 24 vehicular accident
The numbers behind Lent, the Triduum and Eastertide
The many symbols of Holy Week, Easter
Saint Mary of Egypt
Brother Jonathan, VS, ordained by Bishop Peter to diaconate
Chrism Mass set for March 30
Action urged against HB 342
Use time in the desert to resist temptation, draw close to God
Applications for Rice Bowl grants are due soon
Use this Lent to check the noise level in your life
‘My thoughts about finally arriving home’
Bishop grants dispensation for St. Patrick’s Day, but asks the faithful to spend hour in Adoration
If you’ve not been to Keuterville, March 19 is a good time to dine, see historic church
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Feast Day: March 18
U of I students respond to murders with All-Night Adoration
Your gift to Idaho Catholic Appeal provides future of hope for Diocese
Diocesan Pastoral Center
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1501 S. FEDERAL WAY, SUITE 400, BOISE, ID 83705