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Writer's pictureDiocese of Boise

The story behind the bookmarks

The following story appeared in the December 16 Idaho Catholic Register.

How quick the time passes, and how good the passage of time has been here in Idaho. It was late in 2014 that I arrived in Boise. And, it was one week before Christmas that I was installed as the 8th Bishop of Idaho. Friends living in Minnesota and Wisconsin would often ask how it was living out West, and people out West would often ask if I like being here.

Some people write Christmas newsletters. Instead, I decided to present the news to friends old and new with a humorous insert in each year’s Christmas card. As they say, (whoever they are) a picture is worth a thousand words. Basically, I have wanted everyone to know I am well and, thus, the cards.

If I had to categorize the photos and the messages included with them, it would be as follows:

The first few years were a delightful adjustment to a new home, one I felt prepared for from early on in life (2016-2018). Then, getting a greater focus of what the mission involves (2019). Next, COVID hit, and we all felt we were living in a tangled mess (2020). Then (2021), we began to see the forest from the trees, so we could breathe a little deeper once again. Finally, this year (2022), I’m back enjoying the goodness of the people of Idaho everywhere. I can honestly say, “Home is whenever I’m with you.” Thank you for making it so!








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