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Our Mission

We strive to offer middle school youth authentic encounters with Christ while building relationships with other Idaho youth and experiencing the richness of the Catholic faith.

Catholic Jr High Camp



June 16-20, 2025, we welcome middle schoolers to encounter Jesus Christ in the beautiful outdoors through the apostolic faith and the Catholic life. We roam the mountains, swim the lake, celebrate Mass, enjoy skits, sing joyfully, light campfires, devour food, sleep soundly, meet friends, embrace mentors, and grow as Christ followers to be sent into the world. Our site is Camp Perkins near Stanley, Idaho. 'This year, we invite our youth to the Super Hero Training Camp.'

We believe in a quality camping experience for your young person. You should expect the following from this experience:

  • Easy to navigate registration and payment

  • Communication leading up to, during, and after Camp

  • A safe, healthy, and comfortable environment

  • A professional youth ministry staff aided by faithful and energetic volunteers

  • A registered nurse for the week to care for scrapes, injuries, illness, medication, and needs

  • Healthy meals prepared by Camp Perkins

  • Fun Catholic formation

  • Priests and youth ministers caring for the spiritual needs of your youth, including many opportunities for prayer and sacraments

  • A vibrant outdoor setting with a number of activities throughout the week

  • An opportunity to offer feedback and help us improve the Camp experience




We meet at beautiful Camp Perkins between Stanley and Sun Valley from June 16-20, 2025. Here are the important deadlines and prices: 

Early bird registration goes until April 30.

Registration from May 1 - May 17 (closing at 11:59pm on the 17th)

Cost $400

If registration reaches capacity, a waitlist will be kept in the order campers register.

We have a limited number of camper spots available this year. We reached capacity every summer, so register early to guarantee your space.

Transportation by bus is available for an additional $75 per person from the Boise area. 

Scholarships may be possible through your parish youth minister, but Camp is not able to offer scholarships at this time.

Campers must be currently in 6th-8th grade for the 2024-2025 school year.


What you need to pack.


We want to make sure all our campers are prepared for adventure. We ask that parents assist in the packing of items to ensure that nothing is left behind and only appropriate items are brought along. Follow these checklists:

Clothing should not expose upper thighs, belly, back, shoulders, underwear, or chest for ladies or gentlemen. This means no shorts shorter than finger length, halter-tops, midriff shirts, t-shirts with inappropriate designs or sayings, super baggy shorts, and no two-piece “bikini” bathing suits (two-piece “tankini” style is accepted).

Be Sure to Pack:

  • Sleeping Bag & Pillow

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

  • Lightweight rain gear/poncho

  • Flashlight & extra batteries

  • Kleenex

  • Toiletries (deodorant, soap, shampoo)

  • Sneakers – Closed Toe Shoes (not optional)

  • Shower shoes/Flip flops

  • Sunglasses (preferably a cheap pair)

  • Towel and washcloth

  • Jeans or Casual Pants (2)

  • Shorts (2-3)

  • Swimsuit (1) (see note above)

  • T-shirts (5-6)

  • Jacket/sweatshirt for campfire (1)

  • Sleeping clothes

  • Socks (6)

  • Underwear (6)

  • Hat/Cap or Sun Visor (1)

  • Sunscreen (The sun is especially strong at our high elevation.) and lip balm/Chapstick/lip stuff.

    • Sunburns and chapped lips were our top health problems last summer!

  • Insect repellant (The bugs are plentiful at times, and we don't want to be itching or getting sick.)

  • Water bottle (closed top, reusable, and durable like Nalgene...we need to drink plenty of water at our high altitude)

  • Cash (dollar bills are best) for the Trading Post to get snacks each afternoon (approximately two dollar bills for five days = $10)


Optional Items to Bring

  • Camera & Film (preferably disposable with name on it)

  • Card Games

  • Book to read during break and FOB (Flat on Bunk quiet time each afternoon)

  • Beach Towel

  • Sports Equipment (though most things are at Camp already)

  • Musical Instrument (for playing during the week and at our talent show, but we are not responsible for any damage or mishandling, so bring at your own risk)

  • Personal journal & writing supplies

  • Cell phones (We do not have service or wireless internet at Camp Perkins but teens may use phones or devices as cameras.)


Leave It at Your House...

  • Anything on the banned substance list from the Youth Code of Conduct

  • Illegal Substances

  • Pets

  • Fireworks

  • Army knife

  • Any electronic distraction (games, MP3, laptops, iPads)

  • Expensive jewelry

  • ANY Food or drink (it is not allowed in cabins because it attracts small furry rodents, but if a camper needs food for allergies, contact us to make arrangements)

  • Your parents (they can drop you off and pick you up, but we promise not to let them stay!)


For Parents


Parents are always the primary catechists and largest influences in the life of their children. As youth ministers, we support the good work you do daily in your homes, cars, schools, sports fields, auditoriums, and elsewhere. Thank you for sharing your young people with us and allowing us to teach the faith and build community.

We want your camper to be healthy, comfortable, and open to God's work. At Camp, a professional staff is helped by faithful and energetic volunteers. We have a nurse on staff for the week, healthy meals prepared by Camp Perkins, and priests and youth ministers to care for the spiritual needs of your youth.

Can we help make the experience better in any way? Contact us.


Directions to Camp Perkins

We offer limited charter busing from Boise to Camp Perkins and back for $75 per camper. The bus picks up campers in the Boise area on Monday, June 16 at 12:30pm (check-in starts at noon). Eat lunch before you come. The busses return campers on Friday, June 20 at the same drop off location at about 5:30pm.

You can also drive your campers, about a 3 hour drive from the Treasure Valley. Campers should be dropped off between 5:00-5:30 on Monday June 16 at Camp Perkins. Campers should be picked up at 1:30pm on Friday, June 20. The physical address is Camp Perkins, Alturas Creek Road, Stanley, Idaho 83278.

Diocesan Pastoral Center

FAX: (208) 342-0224

1501 S. FEDERAL WAY, SUITE 400, BOISE, ID 83705

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